
05 November 2012

What Is Alpenglow?

Some people call direct light hitting a distant peak alpenglow, while they stand in the shadows of a valley (i.e. image at right). While this isn’t technically correct, it’s important not to start an internet flame war about it (hint: that means not in the comments section of this post, either, although legitimate debate is always welcome). If you find yourself getting in a tizzy about someone mislabeling Alps glowing from direct sunlight, instead of indirect sunlight, it might be time to step away from the computer and go shoot some photos. It’s just not worth the headache, both situations make for excellent photos.

Shooting alpenglow presents no particular challenge to the photographer. Metering is done in the same fashion but post processing is where some magic can happen. Because of the intense colors, photos often have more saturation and are more vibrant than once the sun peeks over the horizon and lights the scene directly.

The Blue Hour, an hour before sunrise and after sunset, intermingles with alpenglow depending on location, atmospheric conditions and topography. Think of it as a continuum from sunset, to alpenglow (if there is enough atmosphere/clouds to reflect off of) into the Blue Hour when the red leaches from the scene.

Again, don’t get too caught up in terminology. Just remember that there is excellent light early and that’s why you should drag yourself out of bed when it is still dark in order to capture the blue turning to red turning to orange to direct sunlight as the sun races over the horizon. Then go back and catch a nap.


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Tagged with alpenglow, Sunrise, sunset

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