
26 November 2012

Mike Kelley's Leap of Faith

It's a truism that creative growth is nonlinear.

Which is to say that, while we (hopefully) do improve steadily over time, meaningful growth happens in fits and starts. You have an experience of some sort, and after you come out of it you realize you will never be the same photographer again.

Now, while you certainly can wait for someone to hand you that experience on a platter, doing so is putting the ball in someone else's hands. Which is fine if you are both patient and lucky.

Or, you can do what architectural photographer Mike Kelley did, and decide to make it happen on your own.

Have Speedlight, Will Travel

You may remember Mike from this previous article, in which he detailed his techniques for shooting sophisticated architectural photos using a DSLR, a super-wide, a PocketWizard and a single speedlight. He mostly shoots high-end houses for commercial clients.

But rather than settle for portfolio homogeneity dictated by his clients, he made the decision to hire himself into a dream assignment

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